What is SupplyNet?
SupplyNet is an Internet-based service that empowers suppliers to conduct business online with Federal-Mogul Motorparts Purchasing. Using custom-designed, Web-enabled applications, suppliers directly interact with Federal-Mogul Motorparts to complete a variety of business interactions.
We have worked closely with many Federal-Mogul Motorparts suppliers to develop online applications and functionality. Each application is designed to improve communications with our supply chain, reduce lead time and improve efficiencies and quality.
Password Assistance
If you already have a User ID as a supplier but have forgotten or need to reset your password you can click the link shown below on the SupplyNet login home page and enter your user name. Your password will be emailed to you within 30 minutes.
Please note: Internal users who have forgotten or need to reset their password must contact the Help Desk at 1-800-680-2920.